Paste Magazine
I interned and freelanced for the Travel and Health sections of Paste Magazine while I was in college. The pace was insane, but that’s the gift of training in the journalism world—you know how to work fast, and that skill has saved me more than once. But more important than that, my experience with Paste led to conversations with incredible people, from U.S. Olympic athletes to local legends. You can find all of my work here, but below are some of my favorite pieces from that wild ride.
World Running Guide: Cusco, Peru
Fit Chicks: U.S. Women’s Bobsledder Lauren Gibbs
World Running Guide: Hawkes Bay, New Zealand written while on assignment in NZ—surreal to say the least!
Fit Chicks: The Iron Nun, Sister Madonna Buder
Travel Fitness Q&A: Appalachian Trail Record-Breaker Karl Meltzer